Event Details



Ballroom Ijen Suites Hotel Malang

11:00 - 13:00 WIB
2024-07-20T11:00:00+07:00 2024-07-20T13:00:00+07:00 Nadia & Ariel: Reception Ballroom Ijen Suites Hotel Malang Ijen Suites Resort & Convention Malang
Ijen Suites Resort & Convention Malang
Jl. Ijen Nirwana Raya Blok A No.16, Bareng, Kec. Klojen, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65116, Indonesia
Kota Malang

Getting to Malang

From Jakarta : take a 1.5 hours flight and land in Abdul Rachman Saleh Airport of Malang

or take a 13 hour overnight train to Stasiun Kota Baru Malang

From Surabaya: Malang is 2 hours with ground transport from Surabaya

From Bali: take a 1 hour flight from Ngurah Rai Bali Airport to land in Surabaya, and use ground transportation to reach Malang in 2 hours

For more information on things to do in Malang, please click HERE

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  • Ghamal Peris and Family GOING
    Barakallahu fikum bro Ariel dan mba Nadia. Semoga dikarunia keluarga sakinah mawadah warrahmah. Punya banyak keturunan2 yang sholeh dan solehah hingga kiamat.
    1 month ago

  • Achmad Moesadad Shatrie and Kartika Wulandari
    Barakallahu fiikum mas Ariel & mba Nadia. Semoga pernikahannya dilimpahi berkah, cahaya dan cinta-Nya.
    2 months ago

    Congratulations Nadiyah. Finally I got the ticket 😁
    2 months ago

  • Fauzi Akbar Rahmawan dan Istri GOING
    Alhamdulillah, selamat nadia dan suami, semoga dilancarkan
    2 months ago

  • Mba Nila GOING
    Naaadddd so happy for you!!! Semoga lancar sampai hari H. Berkah buat berdua aamiin
    2 months ago

  • Richard Bonga
    This is wonderful and congratulations to both of you! Wishing you all the best!!
    3 months ago

  • Sis Sherry
    Thank you so much for inviting me to celebrate your special day with you. Wishing you both all the joy and happiness as you prepare for this wonderful occasion.❤️
    3 months ago

  • Ayrton Eduardo Aryaprabawa GOING
    See you soon Nadia & Ariel. Congrats ❤️
    3 months ago

  • Septian Wahid GOING
    Bismillah.. Septiana n Yayasan Annur Wahidiyah parung kab. Bogor hadir InsyaAlloh
    4 months ago

  • Anindita Indriyanto GOING
    Congratulations Nadiyah & Ariel! Selamat menempuh hidup baru dan bahagia selalu ❤️
    4 months ago

  • Bayu Pratama Nugraha GOING
    Insya Allah hadir 🙏🏼
    4 months ago

  • Viphou Long GOING
    Congratulation Nadiyah. Looking forward to see you there
    4 months ago

  • Chandany Ung GOING
    Congratulation to you Nadiyah for new chapter of your life, may it fills with hapiness. Can not wait to see you there.............
    4 months ago

  • Mba Anissa Veranita
    Nadiaaaahhh.. I’m so happy for you both… semoga samara yaaa Nadia dan mas Ariel… happily ever after yaaa 😍😍😍
    4 months ago

  • Dr. Atikah Haira Bagawan
    Selamat menempuh hidup baru, Ariel & Nadia!! Semoga kalian selalu mendapatkan ketenangan in each other 🤍
    4 months ago

  • Ruchida Suebua GOING
    Congratulations (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
    4 months ago

  • Thanaphone Thongmanivong
    Congratulations on your marriage, Nadiyah and Ariel! I’m so excited for your new future endeavours. May your marriage bring you nothing but peace and joy. As much as I adore the prospect of witnessing your marriage first hand, I have to decline due to prior engagements. Thank you for the invite!
    4 months ago

  • Que Anh Tran GOING
    ( ∩´͈ ᐜ `͈∩) Nadiyahhhhh, I am so happy to hear this big newsssss.
    Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.
    5 months ago

  • Sirima Wajchapakde GOING
    5 months ago

  • Bangun Mulyatani GOING
    Yang ditunggu tunggu akhirnya datang 😍, Congrats Nad & Ariel
    6 months ago

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